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May 2024

Fourth International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon May – 2024


The secret life of sea lice – a nuisance for fish and people

– Bengt Finstad, NTNU. 

Professor Bengt Finstad will give a presentation concerning sea lice biology and the physiological effects of sea lice on salmonids. Further, field studies for sampling fish in the wild for monitoring sea lice effects on salmonid species will be presented – data from both Norway and Iceland. Studies showing the effects of sea lice on salmonid populations, return rates and fish behaviour will also be introduced. An overview of the Norwegian “Traffic Light System” for regulating fish farming in Norway will be given and the presentation will introduce new methods to combat sea lice in fish farms based on the Norwegian experience. 

Project Laxford – a catchment scale salmon restoration project in Northwest Scotland

– Chris Conroy, AST 

Chris will describe the identification and assessment of factors limiting salmon and sea trout production in the River Laxford, situated in the NW Highlands of Scotland. He will discuss targeted management actions to restore the ecosystem and provide the best possible conditions for fish to thrive. He will then describe how these management actions will be assessed over time using robust science and up-to-date monitoring techniques. 

SRI history, local economy, lodge building and their future use

– Gísli Ásgeirsson, SRI. 

From conservation activism to sustainable river management practices, Six Rivers Iceland is committed to ensuring the long-term survival of the Atlantic Salmon population. Join us as we explore the holistic approach taken by Six Rivers Iceland in this vital conservation endeavour. 

In this talk, we delve into the multifaceted efforts of Six Rivers Iceland in protecting the Atlantic Salmon. The challenges are vast and intricate, requiring a comprehensive approach. Gisli will provide a brief yet comprehensive overview of the organization’s strategies and initiatives. 

Salmon stocks in trends in Iceland, MFRI work in NE Iceland

– Dr Hlynur Bárðarson, MFRI.

The MFRI has been monitoring salmon populations of the rivers in Northeast Iceland since 1979. The monitoring surveys have given valuable insight into the life cycle and the variable environmental conditions that these salmon populations need to face. This talk will give a short overview of the status of the stocks in Iceland with a focus on the stocks and the ecology of the rivers included in the Six Rivers Project. 

Six Rivers Iceland – tree planting programme

– Hrafnkatla Eiríksdóttir, SRI 

Short overview of the forestry project at Six Rivers Iceland where we introduce you to the aim of our project.  With a focus on habitat quality and biodiversity, we aim to strengthen the terrestrial ecosystems that are crucial to the salmon populations. Join our talk to learn more about the vital role of forestry in ensuring the sustainability of our salmon. 

Escaped farmed salmon and genetic introgression in Norway

– Dr Kjetil Hindar, NINA. 

This talk describes the monitoring of escaped farmed salmon from 1989 and the genetic impacts of escaped farmed on wild salmon populations. Two-thirds of Norway’s wild salmon populations are now impacted genetically by farmed escapes. Factors explaining the distribution of escapes and genetic impacts will be related to the situation in Iceland.  

Pink Salmon in Norway

– Dr Kjetil Hindar, NINA 

Pink salmon may be a climate-change winner. Its abundance in the North Atlantic exploded in 2017 when pink salmon was found from North Norway to France, and from Iceland to Newfoundland. Pink salmon abundance increased 20-fold from 2017 to 2023 in Norway. Pink salmon affects Atlantic salmon by aggressive behaviour, competition among juveniles and disease transmission. Effects increase by their numbers.

Status of Atlantic salmon around the North Atlantic

– Dr Rasmus Lauridsen, SRI. 

The stock of Atlantic salmon has declined dramatically in the last four decades and our best estimate is that the number of salmon in the Atlantic Ocean is now less than half what it was in the 1980s despite a huge reduction in marine harvest of the species.

Prioritisation of conservation efforts based on river potential

– Dr Rasmus Lauridsen, SRI 

Six Rivers Iceland is working towards understanding what governs the population dynamics of Atlantic salmon population in rivers in NE Iceland. By improving our understanding of factors limiting the freshwater stage of Atlantic salmon in NE Iceland we can target our conservation efforts to optimise the benefits for Atlantic salmon and the ecosystem within which they live. 

In-river conservation work at Six Rivers Iceland

– Stefán Hrafnsson, SRI 

Six Rivers Iceland has many ongoing conservation projects. These projects include research, radio tagging, pest control, relocation of salmon, egg planting, fish barriers, opening up new habitat areas for salmon and fish barriers. These projects will be presented, what we have done and what we have learnt.