Fourth International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon May – 2024

Speakers and Panel members Agenda The secret life of sea lice – a nuisance for fish and people – Bengt Finstad, NTNU. Professor Bengt Finstad will give a presentation concerning sea lice biology and the physiological effects of sea lice on salmonids. Further, field studies for sampling fish in the wild for monitoring sea lice […]
Third International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon April – 2023

Six Rivers Iceland hosted a third International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 April 2023. Held in Reykjavik, experts from Iceland, Norway, Denmark, North America, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Africa discussed the decline in the North Atlantic salmon population which has fallen to one-quarter of its 1970s […]
Second International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon September – 2021

The Six Rivers Project hosted a second International Symposium on the Future of the Atlantic Salmon on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd September 2021. The conference, held in Reykjavik, brought together leading experts from Iceland, Norway, Finland, the UK, Ireland and Canada to discuss the alarming decline in the North Atlantic Salmon population which has fallen […]
International Symposium on the Future of Atlantic Salmon – January 2020

The Six Rivers Project hosted a second International Symposium on the Future of the Atlantic Salmon on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd September 2021.The conference, held in Reykjavik, brought c leading experts from Iceland, Norway, Finland, the UK, Ireland andCanada to discuss the alarming decline in the North Atlantic Salmon population which has fallen to […]