Mark currently works for the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission as the Director for the north Pacific Region of the International Year of the Salmon initiative. He retired several years ago from the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans where he headed up a Salmon, Aquaculture and Freshwater Ecology Division at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, B.C. with staff working on salmon stock assessment, freshwater habitat, molecular genetics, fish health, and marine ecology.
The early part of Mark’s career focused on stock assessment of marine fish as well as research related to hydroacoustic surveys and fisheries oceanography of the California current system. Mark and his wife Gail live in the small town of Chemainus on Vancouver Island. He has two grown daughters in their 20’s and a bernadoodle dog named Willow. In his spare time, Mark enjoys sailing, kayaking, cycling, skiing, and sport fishing.